I made a decision
To be a girl in red
I didn’t think much of it's consequences,
til harsh remarks were shoved in my face.
I shouldn’t have to explain myself
I assumed that those who say they support me, would in fact
do so
But I was wrong.
I shared a glimpse of my journey
I shared an intimate and artistic side
Never in a million years did I expect the outcome.
I understand you are conservative
I understand that you’ve lived a different life from my own,
However, it's not okay to shame others for their
I am not sorry that you are embarrassed
I am not sorry that you are insecure
I am not sorry that you choose to let generational trauma
poison your words.
I am stronger than that and I am not ashamed
I am not going to hide who I am in order to please someone else
If you can’t look at me as anything other than a child, that is
on you.
According to history, I am hardly a person at all
Seemingly an object of abuse (sexual, and for your fantasy)
Time and time again, it's either submission
or good riddance.
Sexual I am, but not as an object
Embodied as naturally and beautifully as the sun
A human being, unafraid to be a human being.
I speak for women’s bodies
I speak for their sexuality and truth
I speak for those who have been shunned and shamed by
cold-hearted voices .
My identity is not a mistake
It is not wrong, and it is not dirty
Those are misconceptions you have laid upon yourself.
My body is beautiful, and it is entirely mine
It is a divine vessel for imagination and play.
My sexuality is none of your concern,
and I’ll be damned if I let you dictate how I love and use it.
I don’t expect you to understand right away,
all I’m asking is that you listen to my story.
Listen to understand,
not to simply respond.
I am tired of pretending, and I am tired of being quiet
I am a girl in red...
- Rachel Kathryn <3